... To the end of the year! And me only just finding some luck on the wheel, too =/

Oh well. I still have all next year - Super Senior-ness for the win! My goal for next year is one... No, nevermind. Was going to say "one hundred", but I'll be kind to myself (and shelfspace!) and cut that down to fifty. A hundred is my secondary goal - so maybe those shelves will be groaning after all =)

In other news, I got five projects done this week! Four bowls and two plates, with two of the former of the special Red clay (which I thought was the new red clay when I started, before I saw how much it stained the water >.>). First two (Red bowls) are Bisquing over the weekend, other two (Biggest and best!) and the plate are going in next week after footing. Last day of wet clay was today, I believe, so the rest of the time before summer will be for footing, attaching a couple handles, and glazing.

'Tis all for today, Happy Last Blast and God Bless! Come to tyhe Choir Concert next Wednesday

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