ADVANCED First quarter Ceramics Evaluation Due 3/30  

Name: Kelsie                                  Period: 4th
Date: March 30th, 2012
I make an effort to do something productive each day, whether it's throwing clay (on the wheel!), glazing (where'd I leave that paintbrush?), or making a hand-project. I haven't actually completed any of those hand-projects yet, however... I intend to, though! ... Eventually?

Anyway. I make sure to clean up any mess I make, and do as thorough a job as I can, although I'm occasionally pressed for time and cannot do it quite as well as I would otherwise like to. When I'm throwing, this tends to leave me a little late behind the lunch bell, so I don't manage to get around to doing my class-cleanup job, which is cleaning the throwing-buckets; I'll make a better effort this next quarter to improve in that department.

I pay attention to instructions and announcements as best I can despite any surrounding distractions. Even when I'm fetching something from or setting up a wheel in the back at the beginning of class, my ears are locked onto what's going on at the front of the classroom. I'm also fairly easy to get the attention of: Just say or call my name, and chances are I'll usually hear at least the "ie" bit at the end, and since Mom's conditioned me to respond to it I undoubtedly will, even if it's just a "Whowhatwhere?" =P

I haven't exactly followed the official project-list this quarter. I did try and at least get the soup-bowls made at the beginning, but everything I tried either broke apart or wasn't suitable, and after a couple weeks I just sort of threw my hands up at the whole thing. I think the problem was that I was trying too hard to shape the clay, and it kept backfiring on me. Ah, well.

As it currently stands, I have about four bowls of various shape and sizes and two pots fully fired and glazed, two more pots bisqued and waiting, and two (I think) pots and two small planters dry and ready to fire. I haven't put them up on the blog yet, but I shall indeed do so today/tonight. Part of the reason, I'll admit, is that without my iPod - which was finally found and returned by my Youth Pastor! - pictures are a greater hassle to take off the camera and transfer them to my computer. But they will be put up, and again, I'll make a greater effort next quarter to keep on top of these sorts of things.

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